Dovetail Slides
N-1000 Series with a narrow base and
front cylinder mount
2" bore cylinder 2-6" stroke
N-2000 Series with a narrow base and front spacer, 2"
bore cylinder
N-3000 Series slides, 2"
bore cylinder
N-4000 Series slides, 3 or 4"
bore cylinder
Screw Motion Slides
N-5000 Series Screw Motion Slides
N-6000 Ball joint accessories, multi-degree rotational angle
New innovative quick set up slide making set-up and layout change a
Operation is simple. Just press the release button to disengage
the drive, then move slider manually to the desired position. Use the
fine adjust to finish and you're done.

N-5000 Screw motion slide
with ball joint accessory
or e-mail for a spec
sheet and order form.